we help you turn your expertise into scalable online education.

Build, Launch, and Scale your Online Course Empire with Our Expert Guidance!

The Future Lies in Online Education.

Online courses help by empowering professionals to amplify their influence and earnings by communicating their expertise to a global audience of millions of potential students. This is mutually beneficial for all parties involved.

However, crafting a meticulously structured course and then scaling it independently can prove to be a very time consuming and complex task. Thats where we come in!

At Courseya, our expertise stems from in depth study into high preforming online courses and our completion of COET, which is the premiere institution in online education. This enables us to help you during every facet of your journey with confidence and proficiency.

From vision, to production, to launching - followed by ongoing business management and scaling. We work hand-in-hand every step of the way. Let's talk.

Not just a marketing agency, but your partner.

We work hand-in-hand throughout the entire process.

1) Developing your Vision

Beginning with a vision, we’ll guide you through our proven processes to form a robust course, ensuring its built on the ideal structure. This includes your curriculum and value proposition.

2) Producing Your Course

After we establish a strong base it’s time to build. Together, we’ll create the material for your individual course modules and then assist you through the recording process of your lessons.

3) Launch, Scale & Manage.

With your course prepared for the public, we’ll continue to be by your side and support you by crafting a launch plan, along with community management. And of course, we’ll ensure the continuous scaling of your business for as long as you wish to be partners.

Intelligent & streamlined processes.

Using our streamlined designed processes, together we can go from scratch to launching a finished course in just 8 weeks.
However, we know that every case is unique - therefore we tailor will tailor the timeline and workload to fit with your schedule.

Testimonials coming soon...


Got any questions?

What Do You Guys Do?

We help professionals develop, produce, and market their online courses from the ground up.

What is your ideal partner?

A professional in any niche with a following (no matter the size) and the passion/patience to teach their students.

How Much Does It Cost?

This varies from partner to partner based on the complexity of the course, but we charge a small upfront fee, along with a small percentage of course sales. All of this can be negotiated during our first few meetings.

Let's connect and see if we're the perfect fit for you.

We'd love to hop on a free strategy call with you, to discuss potential and answer any questions you may have.

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